Client spent $60,000 with No Results

Before I started working with my first client, he had already spent around $60,000 on his business without a single active user.

It’s not that his software was bad.. NO! It was good, even quite different and unique compared to what we have today. And it was solving a valid problem.

So what was the problem???

There were some mistakes that he made while building his business that ruined everything,

  1. He was super focused on building PERFECT SOFTWARE! ( It took him 4 yrs )

  2. He spent all his money on building and hiring people.

  3. He didn’t even think about Marketing at first.

And when he started doing Marketing

  • He had no Marketing Plan, he was shooting the arrows in the dark.

  • Even when he hired me to do marketing, he was doing all my job, because he wanted me to do it his way ( I wondered why he hired me then )!

  • When we work on a strategy, he dismisses it in half saying it’s taking too long to get results when it’s just two weeks and we’re still working on the backend.

  • He was jumping from one thing to another without giving proper time to anything.

  • He rejected new ideas, just because he didn’t understand or thought it’s important.

It was a nightmare for me as well, because It was impossible to provide him with good results when he all wanted to be done according to him and moving here and there without a proper plan.

It’s not just his problem, If we see today’s business, almost all do the same.

  • They have no Marketing strategy in place.

  • They haven’t done any market research.

  • They don’t even know their ICP profile.

  • They don’t have any patience.

and then they wonder after building WORLD-CLASS software, why am I not getting even a single user?

So What Should You Do???

  1. Build a Good Enough Product! ( the quicker the better )

  2. Do not spend much money hiring too many. ( one or two is enough )

  3. Do your Market Research and understand your competitors.

  4. Create a Proper Marketing Strategy for the year.

  5. Work and hire only based on the strategy.

  6. Do not spend any money on anything but one that brings new users.

  7. If you hire someone, let him do his job, and DO NOT Interfere too much.

  8. Focus on Results, not TIME. Have patience, and complete the task to the end.