Breaks are good but a one-month break?

Breaks to make things right!

It’s been a month, since the last time, I was active on LinkedIn and X. Between this, I didn’t outreach, engage, or talk with any people. It was not a decision that I made but the situation that put me in such a state. And I’m thankful for that.

At the start of September, For some personal matters, I had to take a few day’s break from work but I recovered from it pretty soon and started working on business again within 2 days.

But then 20 September ( the date when things started going south ), I got scammed ( It was more of a credit fraud ) and I was stupid enough to fall into the trap and give up a few hundred dollars ( though, I got a nice lesson to never make such a mistake again ).

But after that, I had some family problems, which took me around 10 days to get out of that ( and now it’s 1 October ). and things started changing a bit.

I was back to business but I wanted to start it completely new.

So I started working on a bunch of things,

  1. I built a product that helps clients NOT lose money in Marketing: I created a new service where the profit margin was 0 but it’ll help clients save a ton of money by not doing wrong marketing. I’ve named it strategy_Adxeto, where my goal is to help new start-ups do in-depth research and build an outstanding marketing plan for the year. ( I built it because of the previous encounter with my one of clients where he lost many grand just because he did not know how to market it well… you can read about it here ).

  2. Worked on my Marketing Plan: While I was doing marketing for others, It was pretty obvious that I needed an improvement in my own marketing plans. So I crafted it again and made it pretty clear where I needed to work on right now. And these are the main channels where I’m going to work on.

    - Personal Branding ( LinkedIn, Reddit & X )
    - Cold DMs ( LinkedIn & X )
    - Newsletter ( Every week on Saturday )

    Plus, I did some research on my prospect and built a full plan for the upcoming three months.

  3. I started Learning again: I’m back to my work and back to my learnings. I finished a bunch of advanced-level marketing tactics and have been working on a new service which I’ll launch later after completion.

These are the things that took me another 10 days, and now It’s been officially more than a month not being active on platforms.

The first few weeks were terrible, so I became inactive, but then I chose to be inactive for another few weeks to make things right.

This means rest is good if taken to make things better.

What’s coming now?

  • I’ll start posting and engaging on my chosen platforms from Monday.

  • I’ll be actively reaching out to prospects. ( based on the plan ).

  • You’ll get regular newsletters on Saturday at 17:00 IST. ( exact time you receive this one ).

  • Maybe you get some video posts as well ( I’m excited for this one ).

Usually, Things go bad, so it’s better to take a bit of rest and start it again but better!